Sunday, May 28, 2006
hello people. I'm back. So stop nagging. Pfft.
Anyway, I got married to
Samantha on the cable car ride during the port discovery tour on Friday. And hence, I hereby announce that Samantha is the husband, and I'm the wife. :D (Contrary to the popular belief, I'm not straight. Except when it comes to Alan Rickman and Tom Felton.)
Sigh. After being out of the blogging scene for a month, I think I forgot how to blog already. sigh. Nevermind.
My tablet got rather screwy today. Wouldn't turn itself on. Pfft. Oh wells. My tablet's better now. Thank you, thank you whoever you are.
Today was a fun day. Except for the part where I got scratched. But nevermind. I ponned my science tuition to plan the stuff for the BLS camp. So lovely. Was way fun. :D And I got to talk/play/crap with grace for a very long time. Haven't been doing that lately.
So yeah. Long post. The end. byebye.
I wanna be a vegetarian. But the thought of having something in common with Fa De creeps me out.
I Blogged @ 9:47 PM;
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Quiz from Juani. (: <3
Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people. At the end of it all, choose 5 people to do this. Ready? Start~!
1) grace leong
2) amanda y
3) qianying
4) wendy
5) lala
6) grace yip
7) priscilla
8) carol
9) jiaing
10) grace chia
11) tan
12) ruiting
13) samantha
14) stephanie
15) linda
16) juani
17) fa de
18) jiali
19) kong
20) beck
Now here is the questions!
How did you meet #14?
1s1/2s1. Classmates.
What would you do if you never met #1?
I would cry. And die.
What would you do if #20 and #9 dated?
Teehee. They don't know each other. But heck. I'll congratulate them. (;
Did you ever like #19?
As a friend, yeah.
Would #6 and #17 make a good couple?
Describe #3
crazy, methane loving, john-addict, nice handwriting.
Do you think #8 is attractive?
YEAH! Sure.
Tell me something about #7
She's in love.
Do you know any of #12's family?
ums. sort of.
What's #8's favourites?
ums. acting like a bimbo, preventing us from going to her concert.
What would you do if #18 confesses that he/she likes you?
I'll accept. XD
What language does #15 speak?
english, chinese.
Who is #9 going out with?
How old is #16 now?
When was the last time you spoke to #13
today. (: when she made me do the quiz. <3
Who is #2's favourite singer/band?
uhh. I dunno. ums. moi? heh.
Would you ever date #4?
HAHA. I'm currently dating/engaged to her. XD
Would you ever date #7?
No. Juanita and $$ veg and cdm wound come an kill me. She's juani's and $$ veg's and cdm's and
jiali's. #15 single?
ums. should be.
What is #10's last name?
Pei Zheng. I think.
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with #11?
What school does #3 go to?
Where does #6 live?
Bukit Timah.
What's your favourite thing about #5?
She's lala.
Have you seen #1 naked?
Ugh. No.
---My 5
+1 Victims---
1) Amanda Yeo
2) Tan + Kong
3) Jialing
4) Wendy
5) Stephanie
I Blogged @ 4:38 PM;